Aborted Babies Memorial




Florida Memorial For The Unborn


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Healing After Abortion – Creative Ways to Memorialize Your Aborted Baby

I’m reading  a Kindle book now, by J.E.B. Spredemann, called “An Unforgiveable Secret”.   In it, she gives very helpful resources for ANYONE affected by an abortion, miscarriage, or death of a child. Anyone.

I’ve listed some of them above.  In her book, the National Memorial for the Unborn in Chattanooga, Tennesee was mentioned.  I found other helpful organizations, for anyone who needs to work through their grief at losing a child through abortion, or losing a grandchild, or niece, or nephew.   I’m going to give my aborted grandchild a name, and hopefully honor that child on a wall for the National Memorial for the Unborn. The child’s mother is welcome to help me name her unborn baby.